Tuesday, April 9, 2019

My head hurts

The University of Virginia, my alma mater, won an exiting game last night to claim the college basketball championship. I spent most of morning wanting to cry.

I tentatively decided that it was because college would have been so much better without Friedreich's ataxia or even if I knew what was wrong.

But I didn't have time to solidify that hypothesis because I went to the bathroom, stopped in front of the door to tell Fame to push the button to open the door, but instead coughed.

My trunk lurched forward, and my head whacked the door. My arm hit the joystick, which drove my head farther into the door.

I recovered in time for someone to ask if I was OK.

Then on the way out of the stall, I banged my head into the lock on the side of the door.

I was then fine until lunch when all of a sudden a sneeze came on. I didn't have time to do the chest strap, but I did have time to get clear of my desk ... I thought.

The mark on my forehead suggested I needed together farther back.

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