Saturday, August 17, 2019

Full bathroom

I sat back on the toilet other loudly several times at work Monday. Not vocally, but noisily.

I half expected the person in the stall next to me to ask if I needed help, but he didn't. Then he left, and I tried again.

This time I didn't sit back heavily. I tipped forward. I was on my tiptoes, squatting, and holding on with both hands.

I tried several times to get back to the toilet and was so close, but I couldn't do it.

I knew I'd need to let myself down to the floor to be able to use my watch to get help, so I did.

At this point, I was half in the stall, my naked legs, and half out, my chest and head. The problem was  I couldn't reach my watch to activate Siri.

As I tried to roll over to be on my back, I realized I was stuck. My hips were wedged under the stall barrier.

Panic was rising, but I relaxed and rolled.

At this point, a deaf co-worker came in. Through hand signals, we determined I was OK and he should get help. I also called a friend for help.

Shortly after, my friend came in with someone he grabbed to help. The deaf guy came back with another guy,  and two other guys showed up, maybe just to use the bathroom.

First, they got my chair out of the stall, then my friend pulled up my pants, then three others gently slid me out and put me in my chair, then one of them put my shoes on because they had fallen off.

Assured I was OK, they left, and I went and did some work.

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