Monday, August 26, 2019

Manic Sunday

This Sunday was not my fun day.

I was getting ready to transfer to the toilet when one of my braces fell off again. It was my once-trusty right brace.

My nephew wasn't around, so I transferred myself. Actually, I just had to go.

The transfer went fine, although the urgency I felt was an illusion, and I hate going through the transfer hassle for no reason. The only thing I achieved was somehow leaking, so I needed to change.

I spent  most of the day on the back porch reading comic books. I would come in from time to time to use a urinal whether I had to go or not because regulation helps a bit unless ...

You knock your  urinal on the floor, upon which you have to go really bad.

So I stood up to try to get to the toilet or at least keep my wheelchair cushion dry.

The cushion stayed dry, but I peed all over the floor.

I then called my sister, and because talking and standing is apparently too hard, I feel into the pee.

Later, upon getting out of bed, my legs buckled and I was holding on but couldn't reach anything.

Stupidly, I let go and crashed into the floor. My Uggs luckily  caught my head.

Finally, I forgot my chest strap when drinking tea at my computer.The result: a cough an d tea everywhere.

It was awesome.

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