Sunday, January 12, 2020

I don't know

On our walk today, all I could say to Fame was "I don't know, Fame" or "What do you think, Famey?"

I was thinking about two questions: Should I stop seeing my headshrinker and what should I do for a personal care attendant  if I get into that drug trial that starts in less than a month (but I won't know if I got in for another week)?

My inability to  answer these questions made me feel rotten.

The Headshrinker

I've not improved since I started chatting with her. Not her fault. I know it's mine. My sister agrees.

But it is nice to talk to someone about my troubles, and  I do sometimes take hr advice.


I know I need someone with me during the trial, although I may not use them. If all goes well, I won't. But my life rarely goes well. So how to find one I trust by February 9?

I am working on it. Mom, a brother and sister-in-law are, too.

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