Thursday, August 20, 2020

Can Matty be smart?

 For the first time in the five years I have been seeing the neurologist at CHOP, I was disappointed by the visit. 

It wasn't that it was bad or that he said I was doomed. Actually, the problem is he said the opposite.

Since March, I have more or less isolated myself (as much as possible in a house with four people, parents next door and needing help daily. So not much thankfully). I thought I had to, given my Friedreich's ataxia.

Not so, he said.

Don't isolate yourself, he said. Just be smart; do what you need to do. 

 That's the problem: Do I need to get my teeth cleaned, get a new prescription for my glasses, get an echocardiogram or a colonoscopy? What about a physical? Should I start up my physical therapy again?

It's easier to isolate.

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