At the risk of sounding like I am dissing mondo-cool people such as Bill Nye. I really hate masks.
That was my key take-away from my visit to the Children’Hospital of Pennsylvania today. Well, also that my sister rocked.
Neither are a surprise, but rarely mention the latter, especially because she won’t let me live it down. But she does (now shut).
Anyway, I know masks help prevent the spread of Covid. I would not have sat in a room with four non-family members without masks. But they keep me from hearing. Even with my microphone.
Luckily, my sister was there to translate or just hear.
I am still not entirely sure why my neurologist emailed me about setting up an appointment. I am glad I went, though. Even hearing little, I learned some things.
The first FA treatment passed a significant hurdle and will be on drugstore shelves in about a year, a doctor who doesn’t predict predicted. The drug essentially takes you back two years FA-wie and keeps you there.
He also encouraged me to take part in another trial.
And finally, he said I appeared to be doing well.