Saturday, July 23, 2022

One small step for Matty

When I was younger (“but still old enough to know better,” my sister will shortly start yelling), we went to the beach.

Like most a beach houses, this one had a long deck. And like most beaches, this one was windy.

I was newish to wheelchairs, and instead of flying a kite, I decided to fly myself, more or less.

Enlisting my oldest nephew who was probably 7, I had him help hold up a towel to grab the wind and rocket my chair across the deck.

The wind had other ideas and flipped my chair. 

I was not hurt and unrepentant about trying things some may dismiss as stupid.

I was thinking of this Wednesday when a lift salesman visited.

I am having a track lift put in, and he mentioned that come clients use the lift to walk.


I am confident my nephew and niece will help me.

And my sister is right: I was old enough to know b better. Of course holding the towel above my head would destabilize the chair.  I should have affixed it lower.


Anonymous said...

I totally remember this! Xo

Matt said...

Mom doesn't!

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