Thursday, April 9, 2009

All I have to do is dream

I dreamed last night that I was at my folks' home with everyone else from my family. No one was paying attention to me, which I found maddening, especially because I needed some laundry done. I can't do laundry at my folks'. The laundry room is inaccessible.

Accessibility was not the issue in my dream. I was living in my room upstairs. I remember taking a shower standing up and walking upright. But for some reason I felt I was being improperly neglected.

I am not embarrassed by that because dreams are weird.

Anyway, I was getting my clothes out of the dryer (someone had started doing them) when two family members started putting stuff from the washing machine to the dryer.

I yelled at them to stop and said, "Can't you let me do anything on my own?" Again, jerkiness is allowed in dreams.

Then I woke up and went a long way to convincing Dad and myself that I am not at all someone who should be living independently, let alone doing laundry.

I rolled out of bed but my foot slipped and I had to drag myself to my chair using the stripper pole. Then I had to re-situate myself several times to get the seat cushion underneath me. Then I struggled to lower the footrest. Finally, I was ready to get to the bathroom.

Then I started peeing.

I called to Dad and asked him to quickly bring me the urinal, which he did, and I used it. Then I headed to the bathroom where the door knocked the urinal off my lap. (A brief side note: I HATE DOORS.) Then I got in the shower and called out to Dad to bring me a dry wheelchair cushion and some soap.

I won't be doing laundry in the new house either; the laundry room is on the second floor.


Anonymous said...

I love you. I'd do your laundry for you a million times. I'd hardly notice it. Can't wait to see you

Anonymous said...

Why do you think I told C.M. to put the laundry on the 2nd floor??

Matt said...

I don't want to do laundry so thanks.

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