Saturday, December 22, 2018

Be careful what you listen to

When my sister was in college, she liked a band called Eddie from Ohio. (Maybe she still does.)

And when my disability became prominent, she used to sing lines from the above at me:
And should your soul grow weary
And the strength leave your bones
Oh my brother
I will carry you home
I wonder if she knew how literally she was being?

Actually, she doesn't do carrying but lots of lifting, picking me up, walking downstairs n the middle of the night ...

But this -- Friedreich's ataxia -- is not her fight, not exactly anyway. She has better things to do with her life than take care of her older brother (even one who is super awesome).

This is, I know, what family does.

But how is it family-like to be a burden? (And I am not considering offing myself. Before I bring up things like this with my head-shrinker, I tell her that, too.)

So I try not to be. But, with my limited abilities there is not much to do.

And, honestly, what are my options if offing myself is out, which it totally is?
  • Get cured. But there isn't a cure.
  • Win the lottery. I don't play at the moment but recently started looking into it. (You can set it all up online!)
  • Become Natalie Portman's arm candy and kept man?
One and three are my choices. I am not telling which is my first pick.


Anonymous said...


Matt said...

I try but am never sure

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