Saturday, January 19, 2019

Doing my part

As I have mentioned, the bike trail is clear of snow, but I went around my block today. I was worried about rain, not snow.

But I would like to revise my statement about the trail. It is mostly clear of snow with three exceptions:

The wooden bridges are slushy. This is not a big deal. I have plenty of trail I can use between the bridges. Actually, I debated going across the bridge over Route 7 because if  I got stuck, I could wave at cars for help. But given how oblivious some drivers are, I decided not to.

On one of the trails I use, there is a four-foot stretch of snow. Again, not a big deal. I have gone through it four times and only got stuck once. And even then, I got out myself easily.

One curb cut is not clear at all. This is a big deal. I've gone through it three and one half times. The half a time was when I got stuck and managed to back out. I turned around and went back home on streets, despite a 60-something who stopped her SUV, got out and kicked away the loose snow. The worse problem was yesterday. I  got stuck, tried to free myself, got more stuck. A car passed. I waved. They stopped and helped!

I could stay home, but Fame would get fat, we'd both go stir crazy and people would not be able to help me. I am just doing my part to help people get to the Good Place.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love your last sentence, you always were a good helper

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