Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Walking with friends

Yesterday on Facebook, I proposed a simple proposal. Next time, we have a shutdown, can we have  during a dry spell in May?

That way, I said, when I run off the trail, I wouldn't get stuck in the mud and freeze while awaiting help.

The idea came to me as I waited for the FCVFD to come pull me out of the muck. I may have not been paying attention to where I was going.

The problem of the cold was amplified by where I was stuck -- off the beaten path because only by going to newer, less-traveled path can I reach the trash cans to dispose of Fame's poop.

Fortunately, before the firefighters (actually, it would have been the police), someone else came, Fame got his attention, and he freed me.

My head-shrinker hypothesized that why the Thanksgiving incident bothered me so is because it is proof I am screwed because people are jerks. (Well, that might be my take. She just said I need people who are aware of the surroundings, like dudes in  wheelchairs waving for help.)

Several friends offered to walk with me today, and the woman I walk with frequently was indignant I didn't 1) ask her to walk with me and 2) call her when I got stuck.

So today I walked with two people and didn't get stuck!

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