Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Closing doors

Perhaps this is a silly pet peeve, but I hate when people in front of me by more than a step hit the automatic door button for me and just keep going.

If I trail them by a few steps, there is a fair chance the door will close on me, especially if my chair gets stuck in the doorway, a not unusual occurrence.

So normally, I wait till the door starts to shut and hit the button myself.

Last week, though, a guy hit the button for me and watched me and the door. I went through since he would have been able to hit the button again or hold the door.

I made it through fine.

There are two doors to get out of my building, though, so I hit the second button, and the door opened. It then closed right on me.

I was half in, half out. The door was wedged behind one of my little wheels, so it wouldn't open more and I couldn't back up.

Eventually, a co-worker yanked the door open.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We could write a whole book on automatic doors. Makes me crazy. Especially when there is no automatic door at all and because everyone is wearing ear buds you can't find anybody to open the door for you. Yeah right people, stay in your own world, open the door and let it shut because you can't hear me and I am stuck. Between two doors.

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