Saturday, October 5, 2019

Matty the master angler

When my uncle retired from our agency a few years ago, I wrote a retirement notice, which included a line that he'd have time now to take me fishing.

I was totally serious about wanting to go fishing, but I knew it wouldn't be an easy task, so I didn't really expect anything.

But this summer, my uncle started planning, and yesterday Fame, Mom and I met my uncle and one of his sons, my godfather and godson, for some rockfish fishing on the Rappahannock River.

Before we even got on the boat, there was an issue: It was real windy, so rockfish were out. But perch, catfish, smallmouth bass and snakeheads were possible.

The first step was just getting me to the boat: My chair got stuck in the gravel driveway. My uncle, cousin and someone from the marina pulled it free and guided me backward on the dock.

Once at the boat, I stood up and hugged my uncle, while the others put my cushion onto my manual chair, which was on the boat. Then they got me on it.

Just riding in the boat was awesome. I could hardly stop smiling. Mom and my cousin held my chair down because it was really bumpy.

The first few spots we tried offered nothing, but just holding a rod after 25 years was so great.

Then we stopped in some shade near the shore to have lunch. Apparently, the fish agreed it was lunchtime.

My cousin got a catfish. Something was nibbling at my line, too, and I pulled up a catfish, too. Maybe I should call it a kitten-fish, given that it was about three inches long.

Then I hooked a white perch and two more catfish. I say "I," but my uncle and cousin baited and cast for me. We set them all free, even the good-size catfish my cousin caught. Then we came home.

I was kind of surprised how great it was, and both my uncle and cousin said we'd do it again. I'm ready.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Best post ever! Awesome family and you all look like the happiest people in the world. Lucky fish.

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