Thursday, November 7, 2019

Aren't I lucky?

When my cardiologist nearly gave me a heart attack by sending me to the heart Failure group, he said, "It's time to add another doctor to your team."

That turned out OK, but I see altogether too many doctors.

I started trying to remember the ones I have seen on a regular basis.

  1. Pediatrician, who exclaimed "Good Lord" when I showed him a rash.
  2. Endocrinologist, who was the first to take blood out of my arm.
  3. Orthopedist.
  4. Dentist.
  5. Orthodontist.
  6. Cardiologist, at least three.
  7. Neurologist, nearly a million. I am just that awesome a patient.
  8. Geneticist, 2.
  9. Internal medicine doc, four or five.
  10. Physiatrist
  11. Urologist, dating back till I was 5-ish. That first one won me over with a picture of two monkeys that had nothing to do with urology.
  12. Eye doctors, optometrist, ophthalmologist and neurologist-ophthalmologist.
  13. Dermatologist.
  14. Podiatrist, one of whom gave me a shot in a foot to remove a nail. I bent the needle, and in retrospect wonder if that's why I passed out.
  15. Gastroenterologist.
  16. Nutritionist.
  17. Pulmonologist.
  18. Sleep doctor.
I suspect there are plenty other, and that isn't even counting the really awesome people like nurse practitioners and physical, speech and occupational therapists.

Mom said I am lucky these people are in my life. I am not sure I agree. 


Anonymous said...

Yeah....leeches would be a much better solution. Cheaper for sure. What does mom know anyhow? lol

Matt said...

Never Been Leeched will be the title of my medical memoir!

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