Monday, November 4, 2019

Up all night

On Friday and Saturday night, I wore the sleep mask for eight or nine hours a night, but the next morning the machine told me the seal was bad. It does that by showing you a red, frowny face.

Last night, Mom put the mask on me, but it leaked quickly, so I took it off.

I tried again, but it still leaked.

The third time was the charm -- a good seal. But my left leg began jumping, so I had to take it off to take some Advil.

Problem was I couldn't get it back on.

Well, that was a minor problem last night. My leg jumped until about 4.

It ignored the Advil, stretches, standing with my sister, sitting with my feet off the edge of the bed, even a few punches when I was real desperate.

I really do hate my body.

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