Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Master motivator

Fame is a great service dog. When food is involved, she takes her game to another level.

Not always a good level. Sometimes she gets so excited by the prospect of food that she just starts cycling through her commands, hoping she'll get the right one and I'll give her the damn food.

This doesn't surprise me, or probably any dog owner, but her actions this morning did catch me off guard.

My alarm is her alert to hand me my boots, so I can get up and feed her (everything else I do is unimportant). She did her job this morning and went to wait for this slowpoke to get up.

I was getting there, but I have been sleeping quite poorly, so was particularly tired. I knew I had to get up, though, so I said out loud, "You can do it!"

No sooner had I said it then Fame was getting my shoes and putting them on my bed.

"You can do it!" is how I motivate her. It's not food but apparently is pretty good.M

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