Thursday, June 25, 2020

Mean or right or both?

Sometime last month, I had a virtual visit with my awesome physical therapist to see if she could improve my work setup to stop my shoulder from hurting.

One of her ideas, which I took, was getting a half-tray for my chair to keep my right elbow from slipping off the arm rest. she prefaced this recommendation by saying: Now, I know how much you hate assistive devices but ...

Before I could reply and ask her why in the world, my sister, who was acting as translator, said: Oh, he does. They then riffed a bit about it and laughed.

I still have no idea what I opposed.

For my PT, maybe it was the braces that I didn't want to consider because the braces I had before actually did the opposite of help.

For my sister, perhaps it was the condom catheter, which I didn't (don't) think I could afford because 'd have to hire someone to come in morning and night.

Or maybe it was my reluctance to use my chest strap, which my awesome PT originally advised against.

I decided they were just mean, but now I am not sure.

I was undoing my seatbelt and chest strap the other day, and all these straps and all the effort just made me want to cry and cast aside all assistive crap.

So maybe they're right. But they are definitely mean.

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