Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Fame knows best

Fame is a bit of a loudmouth when released. I think it is having to deal with me all day every day because my first dog was the same. She needs to left off some steam.

Unlike my first dog, though, Fame comes by it through hard work. Sorta.

One of the things I wanted her to do when got her was bark on command easily in case I needed help.

And it was easy to get her to bark, or speak ... for everyone else -- her puppy raiser, the trainer, my brother-in-law.

She just looked at me ... unless of course I had food.

So I worked on it. Success came when she released that barking would bring other people to my room. 

When she realized that, it was all I could do to keep her from barking whenever I sat on the toilet, where I normally fall. She eyes me know like a vulture, just waiting for me to slip    .

Now I have two problems: First, she sometimes barks before I ask her, but it's always after I have fallen. I also have to persuade her to bark before she grabs a stuffed animal when I fall.

You are getting Fame stories because I am struggling. My shoulder was slowly improving, but I re-aggravated it yesterday trying to recover from a fall. My stomach remains problematic. Zoom calls are hard. Work tire me out. My sleep mask is still not easy to wear. Plus, you know, Friedreich's ataxia.

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