Wednesday, July 22, 2020

The cure for leg spasms

I have multiple insect bites below my shoe line on both feet, which is odd in that I always wear shoes except for in bed and the bites did not appear at night.

The upshot, though, is they itch badly and cause my legs to spasm uncontrollably.

The other night this was happening, and I reached for my phone about midnight to read Facebook in hopes that would relax them.

I saw my wrist was watchless and realized that in the worry about my bites, we had forgotten my phone and watch.

I did have my iPad, so I texted my sister. Nothing. Next I tried my niece. She came down her fears that I'd be in a bloody heap. My nephew was next, but he was another floor away.

After getting my phone, we chatted about this and that, which apparently was just what my legs needed;: They stopped spasming.

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