Saturday, July 4, 2020

Daredevil isn't the answer

One of my depression busters is reading comic books, but I should know better than to read Daredevil for a pick-me-up, especially a story arc called "No Devils, Only God."

Daredevil kills a thief by accident and is hunted by police. His costumed friends tell him to give up being Daredevil, and he does. He falls apart and asks a nun whether God exists.

Substituting Mom for nun and cares for exists makes the last sentence true for me, too.

The nun tells Daredevil's alter ego, also named Matt, that his struggles aren't unique, that he isn't special.

My struggles aren't special, either, at least by themselves. What makes them sort of unique, however, is that they all expose my limits, which are all related to Friedreich's ataxia. Lots of people have sore shoulders. Not so many have to use those sore shoulders regularly in ways that hurt.

Daredevil's salvation is an affair with a gangster's wife and then  reuniting with an ex. Not sure what the answer for me is.

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