Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Teleworking fool

As the year ends, several people in leadership roles have reminded my co-workers and I to beside to fill out our annual telework form. This forced to the forefront of my brain something I have been considering as the pandemic has stretched on. 

I don't think I can go back to the office ... ever.

I was going to tell my boss in a quick little video meeting, but in another meeting that morning I loudly told people something and was asked to email them. I could tell they didn't understand.

So I just emailed my boss. She was fine with it.

I'm not.

But transferring at work is transfer to my left. At home, all transfers are to my right.

Plus, I am farther from the bathroom at work, and I haven't been able to work with a physical therapist since February.

I know I made the right choice. Will I be able to live with it though?

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