Saturday, July 9, 2022

No recent muggings

I have a rather frightening thought about why I am not writing more: Bad things keep happening and sucking the will to write right out of me.

Not like I am being mugged. Although my sister did recently threaten me with violence. Apparently, I apologize too much.

No, I mean bad things related to Friedreich's ataxia.

For instance, I planned to write Sunday, but my right foot got trapped under the lift and scraped it up. I just lost all desire to tell you how my city, which feels it is very accessibility-minded, finally reinstalled trash cans on the trail where I often walk Fame. It is right behind a 4-foot caution pole, meaning a wheelchair has to take extreme caution to reach it. Even going very slowly, I still had to go in the grass. The new rule for Fame: no pooping after rainy days,

I planned to try again Monday afternoon, but while on my walk, my left foot fell off the footplate and my left foot got wheeled over.

At least I haven’t been mugged.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You need to complain about the trash can. Placement on the sidewalk that impedes wheelchairs is not ADA accessible. Don't let it get by without a roar.

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