Sunday, February 11, 2024

Just like John Candy

When I watched Cool Runnings, the movie about the Jamaican bobsled team in the Olympics, for the first time what stuck out for me was not their cool rhyme or the various comedic touches, no it was that their coach, John Candy, slept in the Olympic Village at the Winter Olympics with his feet uncovered. I thought it was insane!

Now, though, I find myself doing the same thing albeit not at the Olympic Village.

My feet are hot and I uncover them, and they get cold. And of course they jump throughout.

Friday night, for instance, I wound up lying in bed and watching TV with no cover on. Then my feet started to jump, mostly the right one. I eventually got in the lift and rode around a little to try and relax my feet.

It mostly worked, but who in the right mind feels like riding around in a lift at midnight? Other than people with Friedreich's ataxia, that is.

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