Thursday, February 8, 2024

Uncle Matty

The problem with not hearing well goes beyond not hearing well.

One of the biggest problems for me in conversation its finding a legitimate space to respond.

At work, I rarely speak in meetings, but if I have to, I have decided to just interrupt and ignore everyone so I can say what I need to. If I judge by what the captioning in our meetings say, I'm pretty sure they don't understand me. Or I can judge by the silence of people and their confused looks to tell the same.

For some reason, I find myself more unwilling to interrupt during our family zoom every Monday. 

We were discussing how we never referred to our uncles and aunts as “uncle or aunt so-and-so” and how my nephews and nieces generally didn't refer to people this way either. 

I would have liked to point out almost all of my nephews and nieces call me Uncle Matty. I'm sure it is a sign of respect.

1 comment:

csg said...

the highest regard xo

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