Saturday, May 19, 2018

So far so good

About 72 hours ago, four or five people were shaving my chest and "nether regions," as Mom called it, putting really cold patches all over my body and putting a mask over my mouth and nose.

At first, it was just oxygen. Then the anesthesiologist came in and pumped something into my IV, and the oxygen changed and tasted bad. I coughed twice and then I was out.

While I was under, they snaked two catheters up veins on both sides of the groin. From there , they journeyed up to my heart and did something (I am still not sure what. It involved creating scar tissue to block misfires, I think.).

Then I spent the night in the hospital, where my low blood pressure was extra low, bedeviling the night nurse. But then the doctor came to se me. He was pleased. He halved the dose of the bad heart medicine, put me on a blood thinner and something for my esophagus because they had put a pipe down my throat.

He told me I might have  Afib for a few months but not worry. So I guess all I have to worry about is the blood thinner causing this:

Not really; the pharmacist said the medicine I am on does not usually cause uncontrolled bleeding.

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