Saturday, March 30, 2019

Braces again

I emailed a report from my podiatrist to the orthotics guy and my physical therapist.

She said the braces seem to be irritating my hammer toes because when my foot is at rest the toes are relaxed but when the braces keeps my foot in a proper places, the toes tighten. The visual she used was holding up her hands with her fingers straight to show the relaxes toes. But when the braces are on, she said, it's like this, squeezing her fingers into a cramped, witch-like hand.

And my hammer toes aren't normal, she said. See how it bends down at the first joint, she said, that's common. But then you have this weird little thing (I really wish I remember the exact words she used) where the tip hyperextends.


She gave me a little tube-like bandage to keep the toe straight and told ne they could slice the tendon is that didn't work. The bandage works at the moment.

She also said toward with the orthotics guy.

He didn't email back, but his office called to set up an appointment.

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