Saturday, March 9, 2019

Heres why

Despite being somewhat treacly, Dire Straits' Why Worry is one of my favorite tunes.

I have never been exactly sure why I don't rate it down there with Don't Worry Be Happy, which my first head-shrinker wanted me to adopt as a motto.

Partly, it's because it's Mark Knopfler and the boys. Partly, it is because it reminds me of my oldest sister and her husband.

Today, as I was listening to a version by Knopfler and Emmylou Harris, I realized why.

First, it's not a command. It's just a suggestion. But mostly it's these lyrics:

There should be laughter after pain
There should be sunshine after rain
Sure, there should. Usually, there isn't (well, there is in the case of rain). Often, more pain or different pain moves in.

That's why you worry.

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