Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Chest protected

In a move either unprecedented or at least quite rare in Bitter annals, two good posts appear back to back.

I will save the bitterness involved in this one -- there is plenty -- and focus on the end result. Or the intermission. If it were the very end, i might get bitter.

I got a new chest belt and was disappointed to learn that they did not order me the one designed for independent use but rather the one built for someone else to clasp.

The attachment is hard to do, but before that even becomes an issue, one would have to be able to reach the two parts of the belt. I couldn't.

Enter my work sister. She is as wonderful as my other sisters. She is also quite crafty, so she brought in some velcro and a glue gun, and now I can reach both parts.

I am protected!


KJ said...

Work sister! Woot! :)

Matt said...

A certain sister said you need to be meaner to me

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