Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Mumble mumble

I speak poorly. No surprise.

But in case I forgot, there was this morning.

A colleague asked why I wouldn't be in the rest of the week. I told him because Fame had to have a tooth pulled (she broke it on a nylabone).

He started going on about me getting my wisdom teeth out. I said, no, Fame, and I thought he got it till he started talking about how I'd be drinking milkshakes for a few days. I stopped correcting him and just agreed.

A little later, I was telling a woman about a study I read about that is her area of expertise. She responded with something unrelated. I tried again. Same unrelated result.

I don't blame them, but it is why I rarely talk.


KJ :) said...

Maybe we need to be better listeners? :)

Matt said...

The important people understand

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