Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Not feeling very insured

I am  on day 10 with a  bad wheelchair motor.

The technician finally came last week, listened to my problem, then said, I'll order you a new motor.

That hasn't happened, though, because my insurer requires a doctor's note, as it did just to send out the technician, and my doctor's fax machine is apparently misbehaving and the office has not got the request from the wheelchair company for the note.

To make matters worse, really, it's possible, the wheelchair company refuses to send the request by secure email,  which the doctor suggested. Because the important thing is not that you have a client afraid his will die or catch fire, it is that you are right and should prove it in a pissing contest with a doctor's office.

This isn't my only insurance issue lately, either.

Preapproval is ridiculous.

My doctor orders a sleep study. Nearly a month later, we call to see why it hasn't been scheduled. We're waiting for he insurer to approve it.

I finally find an incontinence medicine that works pretty well. My urologist likes it, too, and prescribes it.  Here is what I was told: "Needs prior authorization. This drug will not be covered until you have tried other medications. Please consult your doctor."

I did consult him and he recommended the new drug.

Is it any wonder people want to overhaul the insurance and medical industries?

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