Monday, June 16, 2008

Comics should be easy

I am faced with a tough choice tonight after my blogging: Do I read my individual comics or do I read the trade paperbacks a friend loaned me?

It is hardly a dilemma, of course, and the truth of the matter is I will read both, but I always trip up on the idea of trades or comics. As usual, Friedreich's ataxia plays a role.

Trade paperbacks are collections of comic books. Usually, one story arc collected into one bigger book. They are cheaper on a per-comic basis and I find them easier to read, especially re-read. There are comic books from the 1980s I have but have never read more than once. All of my trades are pretty well-worn. Some are just falling apart.

But there is something special about reading a single issue. I like it and wish it wasn't so hard to re-read. I blame the FA.

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