Sunday, June 1, 2008

Violators will be towed

I have lived in my condo for more than six years. In that time I have complained untold times about cars parking in my spot. Since I don't drive, it is usually unused.

The various interlopers generally ignore my polite notes and make my life miserable. For some reason, it really kills me when someone parks in my spot. I take it personally, especially when it is a neighbor or a neighbor's visitor. They are taking advantage of my disability, I tell myself. But I never want to call and get them towed. Part of it is i don't like anyone to be mad at me; part of it is I am in a wheelchair and I don't want anyone to have cause to hurt me.

My brother-in-law has been to my place three or four times. Today he came by to help me move. There was a car in my spot. Without a second thought, he had it towed. He later explained it with ancient Rome story: It seems the gals in the emperor's harem were bad-mouthing him so the emperor called them together and killed one of the complainers, shutting the others up.

I won't lie: It felt pretty great, although I would never do it. And I am waiting to be accosted by the tow-ee. I guess I can tell them it is better to be towed than killed.


Anonymous said...

I LOVE that Miked.

Anonymous said...

I think it was the right choice. no question. i hope someone asks you about it. i'd be intrigued to hear a defense of "i was using your parking spot all the time because you don't"
love you

Matt said...

Don't lionize miked? I was the one turning the other cheek.

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