Monday, July 2, 2018

Matty has another brother from his mother

When the ER registrar asked my sister who she was, she said, "I'm his brother."

Some folks might have brushed this off as a slip of the tongue, not this really kind registrar.

He went into a story about a niece "who wanted to be a guy."

I didn't hear much of this and was really confused why he was bringing up his transgender relative. Mom, though, explained.

Why was I at the ER?

If you ask my sisters, it was because I wanted attention.  One of my sisters-in-law i undergoing surgery at the Mayo Clinic, so the thinking was I felt forgotten. NOT true mostly. I mean at all!

Actually, I have a pain at the base of my throat, and when we called, the doctor's office sent me to the ER, concerned I might have a blood clot.

But the CAT scan was negative.

So I came home.

A few quick takes:

  • I hate knowing people in the ER. My doctor this time was the one who admitted me for A-fib in March.
  • I think my pathetic veins are going to haunt the young extern and send her into a truck-driving career. She struggled and struggled with no luck. I felt bad.
  • Mondays are busy in the ER. We were there all day more or less.

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