Thursday, January 25, 2024

Sleeping soundly

I thought I had reached the pinnacle of my sound sleeping in college when I slept through most of my roommate’s successful efforts to break into our room via the window next to my bed.

Apparently, though, I have miles to go to show how soundly I sleep. I took several steps this week.

On weekdays, my first alarm goes off at 6:30. I get Fame her pill, then I take my pills. My second alarm goes off at 6:56. I basically just wake up and wait for my sister to come help me get dressed.

Yesterday, I woke up with both alarms but somehow fell right back asleep after the second one. I did not wake up until after my sister had put on one of my socks. We laughed and that was it.

I never anticipated that it would get worse.

This morning, I woke up with my alarms but fell back asleep. I then woke up as my sister walked in the door so I figured I had not missed anything. At least until I looked down. I had been completely dressed while sleeping — shorts, socks and shoes.

Kind of embarrassing.


Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Sometimes I sleep through the entire process of getting dressed. I don't know how it happens, but it does.

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