Saturday, January 6, 2024

What a sister

 It must have taken all of her control, but my sister did not say my plan to brush Fame while sitting on the floor was stupid.

It was, of course, and it was doomed to failure pretty much right from the start.

It's just that I have good memories of brushing my first dog, Claren, and it makes me sad that I can't brush Fame in the same way.

The plan today was to use the lift to lower myself to the floor, or actually, to lower myself to Fame’s bed and sit on that to brush her. My sister suggested Kenny’s bed because it has some traction on the bottom. So she got it and positioned it under the lift, that she left.

I lowered myself okay, but the problem was that I couldn't lean forward enough to brush anything. I also could not get my legs either spread wide enough to let Fame between them or close enough to my body to let Fame near me.

And of course, I was pretty wobbly.

So it was really  dumb and a waste of time. But my sister didn't let me know that. YAY!

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