Friday, June 27, 2008

Buffy doesn't give you bad dreams

My speech therapist seems like quite a wonderful person -- she even is buying me some gum just so I don't have to trouble myself -- but she is sadly not the gal for me.

One of my problems is that I run out of breath and trail off at the end of sentences. The way to fix this, she says, is to speak in short phrases, like three to five words, and take a breath after every short phrase. I read some things to her on Thursday, and she said they sounded great. I thought it sounded a little staccato and robotic, but I trust the speech professional.

The next step is to try to speak extemporaneously in short phrases, so she asked me to name a few interests. She will find some essays on my interests, and next week I will read the essays and then try to tell the essays back to her in my own words, which hopefully will be in short phrases.

I told her baseball and comic books, which she wrote down, but then she asked for a third interest. I said Buffy.

After a guffaw, she said: Are you serious? Is that show even still on?

I told her it wasn't still on but it was still awesome.

She replied: I have to tell you. I can't even watch the ads for horror movies and those kind of shows. They get me so worked up. When the ads would come on, I'd run to the TV to shut it off.

My first thought was why doesn't she have a TV with a remote. That would make her life easier. Then I thought of my eldest brother who once got a stomach ache from watching The Commish.

I gave her another topic. I wouldn't want to get her all worked up. She told me she wouldn't' sleep for like two weeks after a speech about Buffy. I am sure she was kidding, but she is buying me gum after all.


Anonymous said...

wow, "The Commish." He'd really like his new show "The Shield." Of course, this somes from someone who cried at Major League 2.

Matt said...

I almost wrote something about The Shield but could not think of what to say. And I would not admit the Major League 2 thing in public.

Anonymous said...

Look, it was really tense for a bit there -- Jamaican drug lords, guns, the whole shooting match. It's the visual thing actually. I can read about that stuff and not be too bothered, but seeing it is different.


Matt said...

I can't believe you remember the story.

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