Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Damnation Imagination

I have not been able to fall asleep at a reasonable hour recently, so I have been reading a fair number of comic books on my iPad. These days the 90s' Miss Marvel, featuring the 25-30-year-old Carol Danvers. (As opposed to the current Miss Marvel, which stars a teen.)

In the book, Carol goes on dates.

Given this and my late-night reading schedule, it was perhaps inevitable that one night I would dream about going on a date with the superhero.

I did, and accessibility issues, like stairs, become a thing of the pat when your date can lift a power chair with a pinkie. Parking? Psshaw. Carol will just fly us to dinner and the movies.

But ... I am in a wheelchair? Come on. I can dream about a super-strong, flying woman. Me out of a chair, though, that apparently is a bridge too far.

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