Sunday, September 9, 2018

Not sullen

A few years ago, a friend asked how old the niece and nephew I live with were.

Eleven and 12, I told her.

Well, you still have a few years before they become jerks, she said, not that she had met them. She just meant before they become stereotypical sullen teens.

They have not become sullen. None of my nephews or nieces have ever been sullen to me, a factor I have attributed my siblings' parenting, my cluelessness or awesomeness. Take your pick.

But now, I need to reevaluate.

It could still be my awesomeness. Who am I kicked? That doesn't fade. I suppose it could still be cluelessness. My siblings, though? Not part of the latest good teen story.

A friend of my niece's is living with us this year.

I coughed at breakfast Saturday and spilled some tea.

She got up, and I thought I had driven her off.

Instead, she got up, got some paper towels and took care o the spillage.

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