Sunday, September 23, 2018

Geronimo and I

Geronimo has been on my mind lately. Not the real Indian but the Marx toy from my youth.

Most action figures these days have one or two accessories. He came with 37! (And quick rebuttal to those who mock my collectibles: Those accessories sell for about $4 a piece.)

The reason I have been thinking about him is not because I want to get him out of storage (I do, though, him and trusty steed Buckskin) but because I have accessories, too.

And I don't mean belts and jewelry. I think I have two belts and one ring, none of which I wear.

I asked a colleague why she was not at a work-sponsored workshop I thought she was attending. She told me, and asked why I wasn't.

Too many accessories, I said, both quantity than mass.

I  have crap that I need if I go somewhere.

A lift, shower chair, hearing aids, pills, cushion covers, urinals, accessible van, dog stuff ... and that's just of the top of my head and just the disability-related stuff. Also only the inanimate stuff. I need human help, too.

All that, and I don't even get a trusty steed.

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