Friday, September 14, 2018

Not as good as a comic

Allow me to rewrite a scene from Born Again, the awesome Daredevil story, starring me.

In Born Again, Daredevil's alter ego more or less has a mental collapse. The Kingpin helps, but the character falls apart. And at one point, after he escapes certain death, he is wandering New York. He gets hit by a car and later stabbed. You see him bent over, gritting his teeth, and he thinks:
"It's not just the knife wound -- it's that rib of mine that popped like a wishbone when the Kingpin slugged me -- it had the decency to stay where it belongs -- until that car hit me ..."
He then goes on to save the city and reunite with his hot girlfriend.

In my rewrite, I am always on the edge of a mental break.
 "It's not just the Friedreich's ataxia   -- it's that rib of mine that popped like a wishbone when I fell over the arm of my chair and whacked it on my iPhone -- it had the decency to get better -- until I rammed my chest into my keyboard tray at work."
For the record my rib didn't "popped like a wishbone." But that sounds better than bruised/cracked.

I am pretty confident I will not save the city and reunite with a hot girlfriend.

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